Show Participant Attributes/Custom fields in NXT Participant List

Our key event attendee info is captured by Participant Attributes - especially "position" and "organization." It'd be so great to have Custom fields/participant attributes included in the event attendee list rather than having to pull via a Query or Export List in database view each time.

  • Rosie Bolderston
  • Apr 29 2021
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Jennifer Watson commented
    20 Nov 16:50

    Some attributes we have for participants are added by us for our internal information. They will not be added by the registrant when he/she registers.

  • Admin
    Samantha McGuin commented
    May 17, 2021 18:49

    If you're using Webview's participatnt list, you can instead setup a "Participant Option" to capture your custom participant information. Once these participant options are setup on the event record, you can add the columns to include them on your participant list under the "Columns" selector.

    These do not write back to database view, but if your main list work is out of webview's Participant List, this may work for you.