Report or Filter on Appeal Package in RE NXT

We have an important need for reporting on Appeal Package in RE NXT, both in Analyze/Appeals and Lists/Gifts. Currently there is no way to filter on or segment out this relevant gift data field. We strongly recommend adding Package to the "Analyze fundraising/Appeals" tab, as well as to all "Filter" areas with "Given or in response to."

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  • Mar 10 2017
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    • Amanda Mogridge commented
      27 Jan 19:02

      Why isn't appeal package an option to filter or view in Fundraising>Reports>Appeals?

    • Aline Kara commented
      February 21, 2024 17:19

      Should be available in regular reports.

    • Blake Moody commented
      August 20, 2020 20:42

      Reporting on package is now available in Dashboard Builder as part of NXT webview. Marking this idea as Shipped to be align with the available capability. Sorry for missing this out of sync idea.

    • Kim Smith commented
      April 01, 2020 19:54

      If we're still allowed to vote, I'm voting for this please!

    • Deleted User commented
      October 04, 2018 18:20

      Great Karen, I’ll look for you there.

      That’s correct, we’re not at General Availability yet but working towards it!

    • Guest commented
      October 04, 2018 18:10

      I am so excited to try the report builder.  I am apparently in the General public though since I haven't seen it yet.  Rich - thanks for highlighting your session!  Going to put that on my list!

    • Karen Stuhlfeier commented
      October 04, 2018 16:19

      Thanks Rich - I'll be there!

    • Deleted User commented
      October 04, 2018 15:47

      Hi Karen,

      I'll be doing a session along with Makenzie Keller on Sky Reporting. It's Wednesday afternoon at 4:30pm. Hope to see you there.


    • Karen Stuhlfeier commented
      October 04, 2018 15:40

      I just looked at the Package Giving insight and it works great! As I said, I'm eager to learn all I can about Report Builder.

    • Karen Stuhlfeier commented
      October 04, 2018 15:34

      Is there some session at bbcon where you'll be talking about Report Builder Jarod? We just got i and I'm interested in finding out all I can about it. Thanks for keeping us updated!

    • Jarod Bonino commented
      October 04, 2018 15:19

      Just dropping a quick note to say that this will be possible with the release of the new "Report Builder" capabilities (which are currently being shipped in Limited Availability waves and should be Generally Available soon). I'll leave this Idea open for now but will be closing it once Report Builder is released to everyone. In the meantime, if you see and use Report Builder and it doesn't satisfy your needs that were referenced by this idea, please do let me know what specific need isn't being met so we can re-evaluate. 

      I'm very excited to see what everyone thinks about the drag and drop report builder though! In addition to making it possible to filter reports based on "Package", I believe its a much better user experience for building report pages that include only the insights and filters you care about.


      Jarod Bonino

    • Guest commented
      May 05, 2017 19:45

      Yes!  Yes!  A thousand times yes!!!  I wish I could vote more times for this one.  We just spent about 18 months setting up our structure for Annual Giving, and it relies completely on packages and segmentation queries.  RE NXT Analyze is useless unless I can see packages on my appeal codes.

    • Karen Stuhlfeier commented
      March 15, 2017 14:02

      Yes! I've spent the past 2 years building a meaningful appeal/package structure in RE and I really need this!

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