Display relationship attributes and notes in NXT

We use the relationship attributes frequently for non-constituent relationships (and some constituents), especially in a circumstance where the individual shouldn't get their own record (child / minor, work assistant, etc).

  • Guest
  • Jan 24 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Rebecca Ting commented
    February 01, 2023 13:38

    Would be great to see some movement on this!!!

  • Eva Fraher commented
    July 13, 2022 13:44

    Is there an update on this? It is so important to see thes constituent relationship attributes for our organization contacts.

  • Liz Wells commented
    May 18, 2022 20:41

    Attributes hold a lot of great information about a record. Please make them visable in NXT

  • Sue Birch commented
    June 30, 2021 03:43

    I agree - relationship attributes are very important, particularly those for organisation contacts which are used for a number of purposes, including filtering in queries, exports and mail.

  • Jennifer Gallo commented
    April 29, 2021 13:50

    Educational Attributes are a MUST-see in NXT!

  • Guest commented
    June 16, 2020 15:55

    Please make this viewable in NXT. We store a lot of information in attributes for spouses and children who should not be full records. So frustrating not to be able to see this in the web view.

  • Beth Hofeldt commented
    March 31, 2020 17:59

    This is very much needed - we need custom fields for non-constituent relationships.

  • Melissa Bush commented
    August 09, 2019 18:23

    Agree! Those in my org who are more out and about in their roles meeting with contacts mostly live in NXT

  • xochitl nisbet commented
    August 08, 2018 16:37

    I can't believe that this does not show! Our database is primarily parents and we store all of their children's education and class year information in the attributes. I just did a massive cleanup of these records and it is invisible in NXT. PLEASE MAKE THE ATTRIBUTES & NOTES VISIBLE!!!