When searching for a name in NXT, you are presented with the name and the address via the Omni-bar but no indication if the value being returned is a constituent or non-constituent relationship.
If the record being opened happens to be a non-constituent relationship, you are presented a stripped down record with the basic biographical information, but no indication that it is a relationship or link back to the source constituent record from which it is sourced.
It would be helpful to include the additional information such as the
Agreed. It is surprising that vital information for non-constituent organization contacts is absent in web view. You can't even tell who they work for, and the relationship type is missing, i.e., employee, member, etc. This is vital information for our fundraisers. A street address as the only information is not satisfactory. It is vital that all data regarding business contacts from database view be translated over to web view. Otherwise, what is the point of NXT if people have to keep going to back to database view?
We use the Constituent Attributes to identify which Constituent Contacts (at Orgs) are report recipients - reports do NOT always go to the Primary Contact, or they go to more than one person at the org. Address Processing allowed us to filter report recipients.
Possibly I'm behind the curve here, but is it not possible to create non-constituent records in web view? Because I'm not seeing how...
Honestly, if there was just a drop-down relationships tile within the non-constituent record, that should get us there most of the time!
To add a test case, I just looked up a non-constituent individual relationship in NXT where the address was different from the constituent's address. I ended up having to query on the individual relationship import ID to find the record in database view so I could see who the constituent was.
I searched for a constituent in webview yesterday that turned out to only exist as a relationship record on a different full constituent record.
There was no indication, link to click on, viewable piece of data that told me what full constituent record it was sitting on. This needs to be available!
Since relationships aren't (are no longer?) searchable in the database view either unless they're spouses or contacts for an org record, the only way to figure this out was by running a query to search for it. This is very wasteful of everyone's time!
Please put SOME kind of reference, even if it's only viewable, to tell us what record to go to in order to add actions, notes, assign fundraisers, etc.
This absolutely needs to happen! Looking up constituents in webview and finding many relationship records but then no idea who it is connected to. Would be amazing to have a link to the connected constituent at the very least! Suggestions from original post would all be great!
This is an absurdly easy fix. I would also like to see the relationship attributes.
From a code and functionality perspective, this could operate exactly how the Spouse relationships display on an individual's record - when viewing a non-constituent contact, you could always click back to the parent record.
For those non-constituent contacts that are linked to more than one parent record, adding the "Relationships" box to non-constituent records would also solve this problem.
Yes, it is important to include this source info when the search is done. So it is clear whether a new record needs to be added. Or else resulted into lots of duplicate records.
The most essential piece of missing information is the source record. For a non-constituent relationship record, it is possible to search for and open it in web view, but from there, no way to know what the source record is for the relationship. 2 EASY fixes:
1) Display the source record as a column in the search window when you search for relationship records. It currently displays only Name, Preferred address, Constituent ID, Alias, Former name, Preferred name, Spouse name, Contact for.
Note that the "contact for" column would solve the issue if the relationship were marked as a contact. So you only need to display source record in the same way.
2) Display the source record within the relationship record itself.
Please fix! This is an easy solution that would solve a TON of usability issues!
Surely this is a pretty basic fix / requirement. Can we get it done soon please?
Also listed as https://renxt.ideas.aha.io/ideas/RENXT-I-1768
Completely agree, at the moment the search function is very confusing. In addition when you want to link someone to a constituent, you are presented with many non-constituent records and it is impossible to spot the difference.
We're finding that this is a huge point of confusion, and it also causes problems as we try to clean up our relationships to non-constituents and when it is time to turn a non-constituent into a constituent and make sure we have all the relationships linked up. The non-constituent NXT record just tells us a non-constituent record exists, but we have to then open the database view to run a constituent query based on the relationship name to do anything with it. Unfortunately, we have many organizations with thousands of employee relationships, which crash RE when we try to view the records to manage the relationships.
Count me as 2 votes for this :)