Soft Credit Summary Double Counting Pledges and Payments in NXT Lifetime Giving

Lifetime Giving is inflated on records with soft credit pledges (including soft credited matching gift pledges) because both the soft credit pledge and its corresponding pay-cash gifts are being double counted. For example, a soft credit $3K pledges and its payment are totaling $6K, instead of $3K. We use soft credits quite a bit and this is misleading information and confusing to DoD's when stewarding couples. This issue is aggravated on records who are soft credited on Matching Gifts.

  • Delia Escobar
  • Jan 5 2017
  • Attach files
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    • Lyn Van Tighem commented
      January 24, 2022 20:24

      Soft credits should not be included in any gift totals, unless the goal is to get a total of only the soft credits. Too easy to double-count and thus misrepresent giving sums.

    • Eric Baerg commented
      February 15, 2017 17:10

      Yeah, this is really misleading and makes for inaccurate data.