Give access to users to "Mark as Fundraiser" in webview if they can Mark "Is a Solicitor" in database view

Our development directors can mark people in the database view as "Is a Solicitor", but they can't do the same function in NXT by Marking as Fundraiser. This would be helpful because our staff are making assignments for our opportunities for 2017's annual campaign, but they are having to open up Open DB view, login to Citrix, launch RE, then find the constituent, then mark as solicitor. Then save. The go back to NXT then retype the fundraiser in the opportunity assignment window.

  • Blake Moody
  • Nov 10 2016
  • Attach files
  • Mark Gross commented
    January 20, 2023 21:26

    Talked to Blackbaud Support today and confirmed this. Not sure why their is an extra security layer on Mark as Fundraiser (equivalent to Is a Solicitor in Database View) now but being able to give users the ability to Mark as Fundraiser without giving full supervisory rights would be preferred.

  • Guest commented
    September 28, 2020 13:10

    Is there a status on when this is planned? This request was originallly made in 2016.

  • Chelsea DeRoche commented
    October 01, 2018 10:18

    Agreed with Blake.  I have clients who do NOT want to give everyone Security rights, but do want staff to be able to mark folks as Fundraisers as they would be able to do simply by ticking a box in database view.

  • Blake Moody commented
    March 29, 2018 18:53

    I just reviewed this again with a very helpful Pamela in support to see if I was missing something. What I found is that to enable this privilege in webview you have to be a user with full security in database view. Then you would also have to link the fundraiser constituent to an existing user in database view. This would open up the use of the webview for that fundraiser in the workcenter.

    This is definitely a great idea to have ALL of our fundraisers use the work center, but we just aren't there yet. However, our users that ARE in webview have to go to database view in the middle of their process. I recommend we make it possible for two options:

    1. Link to a database user and ALSO mark as a fundraiser in webview, (equivalent of mark as "Is Solicitor" in database view)
    2. JUST mark as a fundraiser in webview