View all Solicitors as Fundraisers in Work Center

When working in the Work Center, it would be helpful to view assignments for fundraisers (solicitors) who are not registered users. This would allow review and evaluation of all portfolios - not just RE/NXT users - in the database so adjustments or reassignments could be evaluated and made directly in NXT.

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  • Jun 7 2015
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    • Jarod Bonino commented
      December 19, 2016 18:50

      Hey I see activity on this idea has stalled a bit and I'm doing a little cleanup. I wanted to echo Jen's last point. A fundraiser doesnt have to be "active", or even a NXT user to be assigned constituents, but they do, in fact, need a constituent record in your database that is flagged as a "solicitor". I don't think we ever plan on changing that since I would think you would want at least a clear record for anyone at your organization that you are assigning prospects to. 

    • Jen Claudy commented
      July 20, 2015 16:56

      I'm a little bit confused here...I had to go in to constituent records of former staff and uncheck the solicitor box to remove their names from the Work Center dropdown box...they haven't had usernames in our database in years, but were showing up because they were active solicitors.  Which would mean, I think, that so long as your volunteers are active solicitors, they should show up on the Work Center dropdown...right?

      We are allowed to have volunteers in our database, but we are not allowed to have contracted staff in any of our network files or database systems.  (Not sure exactly why, but that's the rule...across the board.)  So we used to have a contracted grant writer, who was not allowed to access RE.  If she were still on board with us, we would want to see her listed in the dropdown, and be able to add/edit records for her, but not have her set up as a user.

      I did just setup a username for a new volunteer, and let me tell you it was a huge hassle!  I set up the username in RE:7, then had to go thru adding her to twice, because apparently the first time, despite confirmation emails, didn't work.  Then do the whole email invitation to RE:NXT process.  Volunteers don't get an organization email, so I used one of our generic's hoping that we don't ever have more volunteers than we do generic emails!  (And that once she's done, as she's only here for the summer, we can disconnect everything and then reuse that generic email address for another volunteer.)

    • Guest commented
      July 10, 2015 15:04

      No reason in particular except that I don't think we could ever achieve 100% compliance.

      Something we would need to explore and set up with appropriate access, etc... I still don't think that we could expect everyone to follow the set-up process - relying on volunteers to reply to an email and set-up an account would work for some, but not all - which would still leave us without access to a group of prospects/solicitors who would not show in the work center.

      If we could set up a user without having to go through their personal email, that would ensure 100% compliance... My vision still remains that - user or not - there should be access to view all solicitors/assignments in the work center.

      Appreciate the continued thoughts and opportunity to explore this feature!

    • Deleted User commented
      July 09, 2015 21:07

      Very interested! Is there a reason you wouldn't provide volunteers access? Side note, we do want to effectively handle the reporting side, making it easy to see across all what's going on. The work center's goal right now is for taking action, but analysis is coming. :) 

    • Guest commented
      June 28, 2015 11:50

      Glad to hear that you will be working on executive role funtionality. That will be helpful. This issue first came up when we realized that there is a gap in viewing constituents in the work center. We can view and filter all unassigned and also constituents assigned to active users. There is no way, however, to view those who are assigned to a non-user or non-active user solicitor in the work center. In essence, unless you have a name, they are not accessable at all. We feel that this is a significant missing piece.

      Currently, we create reports and tracking lists for volunteers and other solicitors (non-development staff, physician leaders, etc...). Development staff enter notes, proposals or actions on behalf of these solicitors. These would be used to help us track and communicate with the volunteer or non-development staff person to keep things moving or adjust assignments as appropriate.

      Volunteers are responsible for knowing who they are assigned to and reporting thier activity back to us. Some assignments are high touch and some are used to connect a relationship to a soolicitation that is made by mail with followup only if there is no response.

      Thanks for your continued interest in this issue!

    • Deleted User commented
      June 25, 2015 15:22

      So in time, we'll have many more reasons for CEO's to be in NXT (we are focusing on the executive roles after we complete our initial work for fundraisers). We would advise they become users (access to their constituents, understanding how the organization is doing, etc.) We know that's a change from the past, but there's many reasons for them to be in. For Volunteers assigned to prospects, what are they responsible for with respect to the relationship? Are they taking specific actions with them? Who tracks them? We are attempting to prevent cluttering the drop down for fundraisers assignments that are used for different purposes that aren't medium/high touch related (like peer to peer). We do have a valid use case where volunteers are assigned actions to call/email/follow up with donors and would have a work center with actions, but want to understand more what you're doing there. Thank you so much for the detail! I appreciate you drilling in further if you can. We don't want to force you down the multiple assignments route if at all possible, so hopefully you don't get that impression. Hoping to solve this as cleanly as we can. 

    • Guest commented
      June 08, 2015 18:58

      Thanks, Anthony. There are some who could become users now like our CEO or other "influencers" in our organization that have been assigned prospects. Was not really an option previously as were very limited by our user licenses. But, they would likely never (or rarely) access the system anyway. Instead, we manage and run reports for them. On the volunteer side, we have MANY volunteers who are assigned prospects - for our golf tournament for example - who would never need to access the system. One workaround might be to make sure that for each prospect that has an assigned solicitor - but is not a user - a corresponding assignment is made to a user? But, that approach would seem a bit redundant as the manager of a program, event, or project would be overseeing the assignments in either situation. Hope this helps!

    • Deleted User commented
      June 08, 2015 15:00

      Hey there! Just to dig into it a little bit. Is there any reason these people aren't users? Thanks for the feedback.