Introduce a Solicitor/Fundraiser Type filter in Work Center

We have organized our fundraiser assignments by solicitor type - fundraisers are assigned constituents and each assignment is required to have a specific solicitor type. A fundraiser could be assigned to the same constituent for different projects - campaign, golf tournament, etc... and could have multiple assignments for one constituent. A constituent could also have a different fundriaser assigned to them for different types/projects. It would be a real advantage to be able to filter on solicitor type so our fundraisers could view thier assignments by type in the work center.

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  • Jun 3 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Anitra Hovelson commented
      March 07, 2022 15:15

      any news on this? i saw a different IDEA that was basically the same said it was "shipped," but I can't find the filter option in Work Center. thanks for working on this.

    • Guest commented
      October 09, 2019 16:22

      Hasn't this been shipped?

    • Karen Roop commented
      October 02, 2019 17:30

      When will it be added to the Work Center? My fundraisers just want to see their primary portfolio. 

    • Nicole Barry commented
      August 12, 2019 13:05

      While I'm truly excited about this idea, it would be helpful if the list could be dwindled down a bit.  

      If I place a specific Fund Raiser Type, I'm still showing a list of ALL assigned solicitors in my system.  Some of which have not been with my organization for quite some time.  It would be helpful if the table could feed off the choices.


      Fundraiser Type = X

      Fundraiser = Values equal to X

      Still very happy to see this functionality!

    • John Bird commented
      August 11, 2019 20:22

      Hi Blake.

      Great new addition to filter by fundraise type.  If it could just be added into the work centre (so I can see my work centre, where I am the primary solicitor, not secondary) that would be perfect!


    • Keri Barnhart commented
      August 09, 2019 21:21

      hi Blake, the update is great for constituent lists! We definitely need to be able to carry it over into Actions, Gifts, and Opportunities - we have a lot of overlapping portfolios. But I think this also highlights something about how the "assigned to" filter works in the different sections. It's a little bit confusing that the "assigned to" in the A/G/O refers to the specific A/G/O, not the fundraiser in general. It's great that it works that way, but my fundraising teams often want to see A/G/O for their teammates as well as their own portfolio, and we get stymied when using the "assigned to" reduces the A/G/O listed instead of expanding it.

      I put in a new idea for viewing multiple (but not all) fundraisers in the work center that might help, but since I imagine there is extra coding involved to get the constituent solicitor type to apply to A/G/O, I wanted to mention this confusion. Perhaps add Constituent Fundraiser Assignment to the A/G/O Assigned To filter options?


    • Blake Moody commented
      August 09, 2019 21:02

      Today we shipped the ability to tackle part of this request. Still work to be done but would love to know your feedback. From the portfolio in Work Center or Constituent Lists you can now filter the constituent list based on the type of the constituents' assigned fundraisers.

      Would love to hear any success you have with this and feedback for how this works for you. I will not mark this idea as shipped, since the original request was to filter the work center

    • Drew Matthews commented
      July 31, 2019 21:18

      Do we need more votes or more merged ideas? I just spent 10 more minutes researching and reviewing this function and the associated ideas. Please prioritize this.

    • Federico Ippoliti commented
      July 25, 2019 15:05

      Extremely useful to manage each work center and avoid confusion among fundraisers.

    • Guest commented
      July 16, 2019 17:55

      Are there any updates on this?

    • Guest commented
      July 16, 2019 15:04

      I just want to add, too, that this is really fundamentally necessary.  My org uses multiple fundraiser types, and the Work Center needs to be able to either be set to only focus on one ("Primary Fundraiser" or the like at other orgs) or easily filtered.  For example, I have a new employee who (because of our policies) is the secondary fundraiser on a whole slew of constituents, but the primary on a select group.  It's just really difficult for him to navigate through the Work Center (which is in principal a useful tool) so that he knows how to prioritize his actions.

    • Sunshine Reinken Watson commented
      May 30, 2019 17:57

      Please add this. It is best practice to have a primary and secondary fundraiser assigned to prospects. Our fundraisers want to be able to filter their lists on this designation.

    • Heather Feldkamp commented
      March 26, 2019 14:56

      I can run an A-List Report of my constituents in database view, but want to be able to do that in NXT as well. This is a list I need to run often and it's important...needs to be easy.

    • Maria Gomez commented
      March 04, 2019 18:30

      We are living into a more detailed prospect management structure and this filter is critical to effectively manage fundraisers--tracking progress and addressing any roadblocks. 

    • Drew Matthews commented
      February 14, 2019 18:24

      Yes. Please get this prioritized. This is needed in the Work Center and in Lists. 

    • Guest commented
      February 06, 2019 13:08

      Any update on the possibility of this idea being implemented? It has been proposed for more than 3 and 1/2 years and received 272 votes as of today.  This is one of the top requests my gift officers has - without it the work center is much less effective.


      Has anyone developed a useful work around in the interim?

    • Rene Rosengren commented
      February 01, 2019 15:15

      I just voted on the Idea to add Solicitor Type as a List filter.  Here's how we used different Solicitor Types: We identify active Major Gift portfolio assignments with that type,no end, campaign fund or appeal. We identify annual Event sponsorship assignments with Type = Event & use all of the fields (start, end, campaign, fund & appeal) to make it very specific.

    • Alex Oakley commented
      November 27, 2018 21:05

      Really want to see this option soon!

    • Amy Bond commented
      October 04, 2018 15:41

      What is happening with this? There are enough votes to move it forward and this is a big issue for a lot of us. It's not just inconvenient, it is not working for us to have it this way! Fix it Blackbaud.

    • Andre Motuzas commented
      August 30, 2018 21:05

      Following up again with notes on how we use multiple solicitor types - we track past solicitors this way (labeling them as 'former', we have 'managers' for the lead, 'monitors' for support, and engagement for our staff person most responsible for employee engagement as part of the funder's gift.

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