"Transaction Pending" for Recurring Gifts

We are pleased that we can now cancel monthly donations in NXT - it's a nice feature to have when database view is playing up šŸ˜Š

We have noticed that there is not any way to tell, from NXT's recurring Gift Record, if there is a payment currently pending in Database View.

This makes sense to some extent, particularly if Blackbaud are really driving adoption of Automated Recurring Giving - but until the bugs are ironed out of that process we still need to be able to tell which manually transacted recurring gifts have transactions pending. The risk is that we cancel a gift in RE NXT (change it's status) but neglect to remove it from a Manual retry batch in Database View.

  • Alex Bishop-Thorpe
  • Feb 14 2022
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    • Alex Bishop-Thorpe commented
      February 14, 2022 02:59

      I have noted that RE NXT does have a "Next Transaction" field under the recurring Gift Summary. If that date is less than today's date, it implies the gift is in a retry batch somewhere.

      It could be as simple as IF NextTransactionDate < TodaysDate, then display a little ! Icon next to the Next Transaction Date field.

      Super easy to code, uses existing API endpoints, and a handy feature for Recurring Gifts.