RE NXT ANALYZE committed vs received - please use DB view gift filter options!!

Advancement progress performance is not based on cash received- that makes sense for FE NXT or for doing RE NXT reconciliation with accounting. Here, we need the ability to monitor our progress on giving specific to our campaign- and this for us needs to include RECURRING GIFT because it is based on cumulative giving from a start date of 7/1/16. A huge portion of our revenue is labeled as RECURRING GIFT and these do not have "Recurring Gift-Payment" because there is no pledged amount- it just continues indefinitely. We are unable to change that gift type in order to make these reports work for us. Why can't we have the same campaign summary filter options from the database view????? We want to be able to show ANALYZE dashboards to our Board, but they cannot be viewed accurately for our organization the way they are and this was a huge reason we purchased the product.

  • xochitl nisbet
  • Oct 27 2017
  • Attach files
  • Kate Lynch commented
    January 25, 2019 20:29

    Yes, it doesn't make sense that the same financial reporting options in DB View are not available in NXT: Soft credits, being able to select gift types, and being able to include/exclude gift attributes. I can't reconcile financial reports in DB View with Reporting in NXT. We write off pledges when we get a "payment" via DAF so that gift appears as Cash and then gets double counted with the pledge in the Committed reports. The same options should be available otherwise how can we reconcile with reporting that has been used historiically. 

  • Keri Barnhart commented
    March 07, 2018 22:16

    Yes, a combined something would be a great improvement. As it currently is, we can't even "split the difference" between the two and use two different views or combine them later, because Cash/Donations automatically appears in both Committed and Received. 5 gifts committed and 5 gifts received isn't 8 gifts - it's only 6 when two of them are Cash/Donations.

    We also use a lot of recurring gifts and it's frustrating that they don't get counted where they should. We have to do all of our reporting in the old RE7 Reports section or export the data to Access or Excel to get functionality more similar to the new web reports (which would be fabulous, except.)

  • Shameeka Henderson commented
    December 06, 2017 15:28

    Please also consider not adding the option all under Revenue Gift Type so we can see Received & Committed in one view. 

