Allow termination and amount and schedule amendments to automated recurring gift in database view

I tried changing a couple of test recurring gifts to automated gifts in web view. But it seems they can no longer be cancelled in database view, also I cannot amend their amount, schedules or payment type in database view.

We run regular Upgrade Campaigns and import the changes to regular gifts via ImportOmatic but this won't work if the gifts cannot be amended.

Even in web view you can cancel, but there seems to be no way to change the schedule or change the gift amount so you would need to cancel one gift and then get the full credit card details again to set up a new RG if changes were required. When donors cancel we try to downgrade them instead but if we need to get the card details again most would cancel.

Please allow us to amend automated recurring gifts in both web view and database view and terminate automated recurring gifts in database view.

  • Catherine Burns
  • Nov 3 2019
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
  • Jarod Bonino commented
    March 04, 2020 16:52

    Thanks for the feedback! We won't be enabling this in database view, but you do have the ability to terminate (or change the status of) an Automated Recurring Gift in web view today and we'll be adding the ability to Amend the amount (upgrade/downgrade) and amend the schedule (change payment frequency) in the future.