Allow gifts entered in Web View to be edited and/or deleted

According to KB article 194880 . . .

This is expected behavior. Gifts entered through Web View cannot be deleted in Web View or Database View and the gifts cannot be edited (with the exception of adjusting the gift) in Database View.

The recommended procedure is to
adjust the gift to $0.00 instead.

This is unacceptable on several levels. We need to be able to edit/delete all gifts in order to maintain accurate records. Recurring gifts that automatically process in Web View batches are also affected by this. Plus, this means only users with Database View access can do gift entry.

I have taken dozens of webinars and this issue has never been imparted.

Please fix this!

  • Guest
  • Feb 22 2021
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    • Elizabeth Schultz commented
      November 13, 2024 16:51

      I have recurring online gifts that are for pledges, so I needed to create a new pledge payment in database view, and then was deleting the webview gift by using a query for the gift ID# and then Globally Deleting the record. For some reason that is no longer working and we couldn't come up with another work around.

    • patrick kelleher-calnan commented
      February 12, 2024 19:06

      As a workaround: it appears that the Globally Delete Records function can delete gifts added in webview.

    • Guest commented
      August 10, 2023 05:51

      I agree not being able to delete unwanted gifts makes any reporting incorrect and increases the workload having to adjust the incorrect gift.

    • Desirae Scott commented
      March 15, 2022 14:23

      The inability to delete gifts entered in the NXT Web View is really impractical. Adjusting a gift to $0 still leaves it in the donor's record, cluttering it up. This needs to be fixed soon!

    • Daniel commented
      December 01, 2021 19:08
    • Daniel commented
      December 01, 2021 19:07

      I think this should be combined with another idea, RENXT-I-4430

    • Laura Anderson commented
      June 07, 2021 20:16

      I agree that delete functionality should be an option--make it locked down by default and put up all the reminders/warnings that you want, but allow administrators to make the decision for their orgs on how to handle. The worst part of this is that TEST transactions for event registrations cannot be deleted at all--even with the Blackbaud Merchant Services configuration is set to TEST. It means that there is no way at this time to test an event registration form without creating garbage data in your database.

    • Amber Aragon commented
      June 01, 2021 14:30

      Very inconvenient to not be able to delete a gift made in NXT, causing issues in database view to not be able to delete and be left on a record.

    • Jennifer Smith commented
      April 09, 2021 16:02

      The functionality of NXT automatically adding event registrations to constituent gift records is completely unacceptable. Having provided software to non-profits for many years, Blackbaud should know that the definition of a gift does not include registration fees. Add to that...the fact that the batch remains in an 'unapproved' state if you don't want to reflect them as gifts and the batch cannot be deleted. And, although I have not tried it, it sounds like the gifts cannot be deleted from gift records after the batch is approved...only adjusted! This is counter to any gift management that often needs to take place on a record. Sometimes gifts need to be deleted/reentered to correct certain things that cannot be corrected via adjustment. I have brought this issue up before and cannot understand why no one on the Blackbaud team seems to understand the issue.

    • MIchael Bober commented
      March 02, 2021 02:06

      It would be beneficial to consider redesigning RE NXTs functionality so it permits gifts to be deleted that are added through Web View. We had an API developed through the SKY platform and recently went live . The API integrates our current check scanning software with RE. We have a really high volume at year end--it can be a 1,000 checks a day. If there was an error, it could compromise hundreds of records in RE. It would not be practical, nor the best use of our time, to go back and manually adjust each of these gifts individually. Especially, during year end when everyone is strapped for time.

      Please consider making this change sooner than later. Thank you.

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