This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit RENXT-I-1246 Add RSVP function to events that still allows donation. ie. The ability to say "No, I am not attending.".
Is it possible to have someone make a donation via an Event Registration form?
We have to build 2 different forms to handle event donations and regular donations for the same event. Extremely cumbersome. Would like to be able to use one form.
Gold Sponsor $15,000
Silver Sponsor $10,000
Tickets ($2,500) 4
Cannot attend but want to make a donation _________
Yes, that is correct, Samantha. Our sponsorships are large so there is never a chance of a sponsor making "additional donations." In most cases the user is an assistant. So, the "additional donations" feature never gets used. Thank you!
We do support additional donation as an option on an online registration form today, but from your description it sounds like you're asking for a way for people to decline to attend but make a donation instead (donate in lieu of attending) - is that correct?
If so, I will merge your idea with one currently in the system for RSVP no and donate.
Samantha McGuin
Principal Product Manager