Ability to EDIT the PDF in Gift Receipting

It would be very helpful to be able to edit the PDF's in the RE NXT Gift Receipting page. Or to even have the ability to print out the email receipt or have a draft copy of the email receipt.

  • Guest
  • Sep 29 2021
  • Attach files
  • Jackie Fox commented
    28 Feb 18:33

    This would be very very very helpful!!!

  • Debbie Roche commented
    November 20, 2023 17:27

    100% agree on this! Would be incredibly helpful!!

  • Mathew Howarth commented
    October 17, 2023 11:36


  • Tanya commented
    May 04, 2023 18:45

    Unfortunately, we can't use the e-receipting portion of RENXT without being able to edit the PDF. Please make it editable like the email version!

  • Deanna Rusek commented
    March 13, 2023 15:48

    Please allow this be editable just as the email version is. Not all donors give their email. The pdf can be printed and save us the merge into WORD step and increase our efficiency.

  • Liz Kelleher commented
    August 26, 2022 02:32

    With the new Mastercard requirements, the PDF receipt is unusable. Please add the ability to customize the PDF template ASAP!

  • Melissa Stewart commented
    July 14, 2022 19:46

    Would be nice to have the ability to add our logo and a return portion for donors who still give via check.

  • Cassie Banagas commented
    May 13, 2022 21:19

    We cannot use the receipting function at all without the capability to edit.

  • Rowena Ramos commented
    May 13, 2022 21:19

    a must

  • Angela Tuttle commented
    May 03, 2022 14:46

    YES!!!! The generic version does not have the wording that is needed for some of the receipts and we can no longer make changes or copy the letter to paste elsewhere . There are some receipts I am having to do by hand because the donor does not have an email address or they need special wording. Would also be nice if we can select the addressee/salutation when receipting like we are able to choose the letter when sending by email - or again I am going to have to create by hand. We are also no longer able to edit the giving statements. I had to make tons of edits to those this past January before sending them out. Some gifts we did not want included like $0 gifts. We have been keeping gifts in the system of $0 so that we can see when we have had to make certain adjustments - and the only want to adjust is to zero out the gift. We also did not want commitments included in the giving statements. My apologies I have gotten off topic - we need to have the ability to make edits to the letters or make edits before the letter is ran.

  • Allison Dickerson commented
    January 31, 2022 18:54

    I'm not sure why this doesn't already exist. What's the point of having templates if they aren't usable in creating a PDF? Also, unable to see / confirm that the template used for a gift receipt was sent correctly. There's no documentation or notes showing up in email history of constituents record. Supposed to go on blind faith?

  • Guest commented
    January 18, 2022 19:18

    100% agree this is a really necessary change!

  • Evan W commented
    December 09, 2021 20:59

    Yes, we should be able to customize this. It's obvious!

  • Nathan Munn commented
    December 06, 2021 19:44

    Yes! It would be ideal if you could make a pdf version of every email receipt.

  • Melanie Gisin commented
    November 30, 2021 19:24

    Absolutely! the current/default PDF receipt is not usable as it is. We really need to be able to customize the language and merge fields.

  • Shawn Gerum commented
    November 12, 2021 23:21

    It is inconsistent and confusing to create an email receipt with one specifically tailored format, but have the downloadable .pdf version of that same receipt look entirely different. The .pdf should match the email receipt template.

  • Flo Akselrad commented
    October 29, 2021 16:06

    Ability to customize PDFs; add logo, edit merge fields, text, etc.

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