Update the gift date when a manual retry on a recurring gift is successful

When you manually retry a recurring gift that automatically processes, the gift date remains as the date of the first try. This causes reconciliation issues when reconciling to BBMS reports and finance departments. Please change the gift date or allow authorized users to change it in webview.

  • Sunshine Reinken Watson
  • Jul 2 2021
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Candy Reichert commented
      20 Mar 16:39

      When reprocessing the rejected gift still leaves the gift date in the original batch and date. However, in BBMS is shows the current date it is recharged, and pulls into 'todays' transaction list.
      When sending through a retry, it should put the new charge into a New Batch so we can process it on the date the charge actually went through. I can't redo a batch from 2-3 weeks prior and include a charge from Today.

      Please change this!

    • Stephanie A commented
      28 Feb 15:00

      This has also affected us and can be a challenge when the month has already closed and the donor doesn't give us updated card info until the following month

    • JoAnn Strommen commented
      July 16, 2021 14:15

      Gift date changes do not hold. Gift process auto on the first of month. As there are months when we do not process/post gifts on the first, I enter the 2nd or 3rd of gift date and GL post date in NXT. Save. Continually reverts back to first.