For Optimized (Webview) Giving Form Recurring Gifts, there should be a date selection

Currently our OLX Giving Form's recurring gift option has a required 15th or 30th designation. The Optimized Form looks great but it doesn't have this option, and simply defaults to the current date as the monthly recurring. Given that these are processed on the backend in batches on the 15th/30th, this makes the Optimized Recurring Gift option very troublesome since we cannot honor these requests without running recurring gift batches every single day of the month.

  • Joseph Kim
  • Mar 21 2025
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Joseph Kim commented
      24 Mar 13:53

      Thanks for that insight Samantha! Appreciate knowing the logic behind the decision and not that it was simply overlooked. Also good to know that recurring gifts will simply be pulled automatically throughout the month. But would that result in weekend/holiday batches, or are they pulled on the next business day? Thank you again!

    • Admin
      Samantha McGuin commented
      24 Mar 13:48

      Thanks for adding this Idea!

      Both Optimized and Standard donation forms run off of an automated gift engine. Unlike OLX, BBNC and database view's EFT process, any recurring gift that is given will be charged automatically on the date the donor chooses and will automatically land in a batch on the donor selected date. Here's more info on how this works:

      Although you can amend that schedule in the gift records themselves, it's a best practice to let the donor choose the date that works for them. We ARE actually opening this up for organizations to choose the recurring gift dates on the STANDARD form in Q2 2024, but at this time we do not plan to bring this to the Optimized Form as it is not an optimal donor experience and statistics show that having to stop and think through gift processing dates does slow down the donor's experience and can cause an increase in form dropoffs/conversion.

      I will keep voting open for this idea, but did just want to note that this is not planned and why. We may readdress at a later date.