End Date Field on Donor Form for Recurring Gifts

As a school, many of our donors want to give monthly, but only through the school year. However, when they go to the donor form, there is no way to enter an end date. I see that this idea was rejected in 2018 and I'd like to ask you to reconsider. With so many schools using RE NXT I would think this would be a popular feature. It's confusing to our parents when they want to give for a specific time period and don't see that option and it's a pain for them to have to contact me to make the change to their recurring gift.

  • Susan Todaro
  • Dec 29 2020
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    • Admin
      Samantha McGuin commented
      May 26, 2023 16:05

      We've shipped a release to allow you to configure your donation forms to include an end date. To enable this:
      Under Form, select Click to edit on the gift amounts. Under Recurring, select Enable recurring gift end date.

      Thanks for your votes that helped us to prioritize this work!

    • Heather MacKenzie commented
      July 02, 2021 18:08

      It's a pledge in RE, not a recurring gift, if it has an end date - help your parents set up pledges instead.