Email notifications of online donations received should include Donor Phone Number and Address

Currently, email notifications include the information below, along with a copy of the confirmation email sent to the donor. Please add the Donor Phone Number and Address to the info included below.

Supporter: XXX
Email address: XXX
Gift Date: 1/27/2021
Amount: $100.00 CAD
Payment: MasterCard Credit card ending in XXX
Recognition: I prefer to give anonymously.
Comments: XXX

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    Samantha McGuin commented
    April 05, 2023 21:19

    Donor information, including phone number and address, are now included on the notification emails!

  • Admin
    Juliana Lawson commented
    May 28, 2021 20:54


    Thank you for this idea. To help protect donor information, we do not include personally identifiable information in emails. We do include a link in the notification email so that authenticated (logged in) users can view personal information if you have given them permission. You can read about how authenticated users can easily see information here.

