Send NXT eReceipts to email donor entered when making online donation

We have enabled receipting on our Online Donation Forms. When a donor makes an online donation, they get the confirmation email to the address they entered on the donation form. However, after approving the batch the ereceipt goes to the email address marked as primary or the first email found if none are marked primary (which may not be the same email address they entered on the form). Getting a confirmation email and the corresponding ereceipt at two different email addresses can be confusing to donors. Not to mention that the donor may no longer use the email address that we have marked as primary.

  • Holly Kirchin
  • Oct 30 2024
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Miranda DIakiw commented
      31 Jan 19:07

      On donation forms, perhaps where the email field sits, there should be a checkbox "Mark as my primary email", alternatively as Kevin said a "receipting email" could be created if the email provided differs from Primary and then we could set receipts to either mail to receipting or primary email type.

    • Kevyn Barnes commented
      December 06, 2024 00:47

      Yes. I'd prefer that emails used for donations automatically get a "Receipting email" type, and then when we send receipt we can select that email type instead of "Marked as Primary" (similar to the option on marketing emails). It would be a much lighter lift to allow gift processors to select a specific email type for receipting (whether it is primary or not) so that the "Marked as primary" can be reserved for the email that the constituent wants for a majority of all other communications. The reasons a donor would need to use a different email for receipting versus all other email communications are numerous, important, and should be respected.