It appears campaigns cannot be assigned to RE NXT donation forms - via the default campaign on the Fund or directly via the form setup. The results are gifts entered in Raiser's Edge without a campaign attached to them. Really messes with goal tracking and statistics. There are, of course, manual options for updating gifts so they have correct campaigns on them, but it would be best to have that integrated into the RENXT donation forms somehow. Even a quick fix like setting up a default campaign via Tools > Settings would be helpful in our case.
It is unacceptable that such a robust system would not have Campaign designations on a donation form. Our team wastes so much time adding the campaign designation on the back end, and this seems like a simple fix. Every other CRM I've used has options to designate each gift field in the back end of the form. Disappointing!
Adding packages to the NXT donation forms would also be helpful!
We need to be able to add the package please!
Can we also add this feature to event registration forms?
Thank you Samantha. I've added the new idea about multiple campaigns on a donation form
For those looking for other variations than one campaign per form, please create a separate Idea so I can track votes/interest. Otherwise they will get lost in these comments. Thank you!
Thank you, we can now convert most of our donation pages to NXT- one issue- we need the ability to have multiple campaigns based on the fund they choose. Our general donation link has all options available in OLX
Thank you! What would make this more seemless is to be able to setup batch templates that can be assigned to batches and have most of this common information pre-populated. This option is available in RE 7.
Thank you very much for this update!
Why is this field hidden? Donors should have the option to donate to the campaign of their choice.
This morning we released a new configuration for the donation form to add a new Hidden field for Campaign. This will pass the configured campaign into gift batch alongside of any gifts from that form!
Look for more info in today's What's New when it comes out this afternoon Thank you all for voting on this idea and keeping it top of mind for us as we moved towards prioritization and development!
Samantha McGuin
Principal Product Manager
Great news. Now add the gift code field please and thank you!
This is wonderful news!
It's about time, hopefully from planned to available to all is less than 2 more years. This has been a major for us not to use the BB online forms.
I cant believe that nearly 2 years later this still hasn't been added.
Yes please!
And Package!
Similarly, I would like to be able to add a default letter code. Gifts come in from NXT donation forms without any letter code, which is a required field for our gift entry.
This is an absolute minimum. Not sure what the thinking is here? Why would uploading online donations without a Campaign ID be a good idea? This needs to be fixed asap.