Ability to add multiple campaigns to NXT Donation forms to match funds

Our general donation form has multiple giving choices that involve more than 1 campaign. We need the ability to attach the campaign to the fund on the NXT donation form

  • Cathi Christopher
  • Mar 15 2023
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Steve Eberle commented
      March 17, 2023 14:30

      @Samantha McGuin: We have funds such as "General Gifts" and "Events." And we have campaigns such as "Baltimore" and "Chicago" (which align with our regional branches). A general donation form would include the fund "General Gifts" and whatever regional branch is running the campaign. An event registration/donation form would include the fund "Events" and whatever regional branch is running the campaign. Does that make sense?

    • Admin
      Samantha McGuin commented
      March 17, 2023 13:45

      @Steve Eberle I have a followup question for you, how do funds fit into your needs here? Does everything go to one fund and then you're using the campaign to determine the office? Or do the donors choose from multiple funds as well?

    • Steve Eberle commented
      March 15, 2023 13:59

      Agree. Our organization has 20 regional offices and donors can make a gift to support a particular regional office goal. Each regional office is a campaign, so we need to offer donors the option to choose the campaign they wish to support.