While this field is in webview and easily seen from the constituent record. It seems only those with permissions to add and edit tributes can see it on the gift record itself. It would be helpful if the description was visible to everyone when clicking the expand button on the tribute from a gift record as well.
Our gift processor is having to post the webview gifts, then go back to database view to add the tribute. It is taking way too long. I can't run our receipts until she gets that done, so it's slowing down our whole process.
We need the description! We might have an in honor of "Pat Battey", in honor of "Pat and Cindy Battey", in honor of "Pat's 50 Anniversary", etc. When you strip the description, you strip our ability to link gifts to the correct tribute.
We use this field to let the donor share the honoree's City and State, to help us correctly identify the honoree's record, if any, in RE. They also can note what the special occasion is, if any, so that this can be included in the letter we send to communicate about the tribute gift if requested by the donor.
While this field is in webview and easily seen from the constituent record. It seems only those with permissions to add and edit tributes can see it on the gift record itself. It would be helpful if the description was visible to everyone when clicking the expand button on the tribute from a gift record as well.
Our gift processor is having to post the webview gifts, then go back to database view to add the tribute. It is taking way too long. I can't run our receipts until she gets that done, so it's slowing down our whole process.
We need the description! We might have an in honor of "Pat Battey", in honor of "Pat and Cindy Battey", in honor of "Pat's 50 Anniversary", etc. When you strip the description, you strip our ability to link gifts to the correct tribute.
This is so important to us, otherwise the functionality in webview is not useful.
We use this field to let the donor share the honoree's City and State, to help us correctly identify the honoree's record, if any, in RE. They also can note what the special occasion is, if any, so that this can be included in the letter we send to communicate about the tribute gift if requested by the donor.