Need county as field in NXT

Just as we would use on the database view, we'd like this to be available on NXT too.

  • Greg McKnight
  • Dec 4 2019
  • Attach files
  • Devan Caton commented
    May 03, 2022 18:35

    There are currently duplicated ideas for this. Blackbaud - please merge RENXT-I-4628 into the older idea RENXT-I-2788.

  • Devan Caton commented
    May 03, 2022 18:32

    We really need both the county and region fields to be visible in the web view. Not having them there is a hindrance.

  • Victoria Schonfeld commented
    October 06, 2021 20:06

    Specifically, it should be visible in the address block or available to query on via lists.

  • Barbara Arnold commented
    February 10, 2020 19:47

    Very important for grant writing and reporting!!