Filter constituent lists by state

Our development officers are assigned by region, so it would be extremely helpful to be able to filter lists by state of residence. Would also be helpful to have the ability to filter this way when planning trips/events.

  • Peggy Dixon
  • Apr 26 2016
  • Shipped
  • Mar 23, 2018

    Admin response

    You can do this with the location filters in constituent lists. You can select the option to "Filter by Address" and then pick your country and then your stat options will be available. Hope this helps! 

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    • Peggy Dixon commented
      March 23, 2018 14:43

      Thank you. The location filter is much improved now. At the time I wrote my idea/comment (2016), location wasn't an option.

    • Gary Cook commented
      December 12, 2017 18:17

      Responding to Jarod

      Don't fool yourselves into thinking you have addressed this need.  I have used used the mapping functionality, but it simply zooms in on an area.  It doesn't allow me to apply a filter unless I use the drawing tool.  If I want "Ohio" records, it will show me the state, but I cannot filter the list by "Ohio" unless I attempt to draw a line around the state's irregular borders.  We deal with constituents by state, because we are attempting to influence U.S. senators.  We need to be able to filter lists by the state field in their home address.

    • Mary Boechat commented
      September 19, 2017 19:10

      The mapping functionality only filters by preferred address. We need to be able to filter by seasonal address date from/date to for donor visits.

    • Brooke Donovan commented
      September 13, 2017 15:49

      The ability to filter or map on Business address is crucial to our team. We often meet with constituents during work hours so we need to know where they work vs. their preferred address as many people commute to a work location often over an hour away.

    • Julia Kalinkina commented
      July 11, 2017 02:01

      Hi Jarod! This is definitely better than nothing, but still, if you need to pull out everyone in the certain state, it would be easier just to use one "tick" in Filter than to draw a custom area each time.

    • Peggy Dixon commented
      July 10, 2017 21:15

      Jarod- Yes, I think the mapping functionality takes care of this for me. It has been a tremendous addition! Thanks!

    • Jarod Bonino commented
      July 10, 2017 20:56

      Hey everyone! I'm curious if the new mapping functionality fits this need. You can now pretty easily draw a custom area around any desired state if you'd like. Check it out and let me know if it provides what you need!


      Jarod Bonino

    • Mike Jentes commented
      December 30, 2016 17:22

      This is essential!