Filter lists by country, state or city

While the "map filter" function is cool to see who is where, we actually need to be able to generate, work with and save lists by geographical areas.  All constituent lists take a long time to load and then filter down to a specific area.  We need quicker responsive searches which would be achieved by setting the area parameter in the list instead of the map. Also drawing lines on boarders can be challenging to get the right people in the right country.

  • Karen Laing
  • Aug 29 2017
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  • Federico Ippoliti commented
    April 30, 2018 13:35

    I have seen it is now possible to create a list by country and city, but it would be great to have it only by country. Sometimes we do not have a valid address for a constituent, but we know they live in a particular country, so we just use that field in the address block

  • Gary Cook commented
    November 16, 2017 18:37

    We often need a list of constituents or actions by state.  Being able to sort or filter by state would make life so much easier.  We are actually considering a work-around of copying the state data to a custom field, but this seems to be a clunky solution for an elegant user interface.

  • Keri Barnhart commented
    October 10, 2017 12:54

    I was trying to filter a large group by region yesterday on my tablet and it was next to impossible to get the map function to work! I really needed to be able to just type in a ZIP code. Even being able to *sort* by ZIP code would have been an improvement on what I had to work with.