Add "Campus" to the filter options

We just noticed the new location with the map feature in our ReNXT instance and it's so awesome, however, we need the ability to segment the maps by the campus.  We use campus to represent the different colleges on campus (Business, Education, Science & Engineering) and our development officers each have an assigned college.  It would be nice if they could create their own map without having to rely on a static query that might not include the newest constituents.

  • Cammi Derr
  • Feb 7 2017
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    • Keri Barnhart commented
      December 12, 2018 15:02

      My fundraisers are feeling stymied by this. We've been planning outreach events for alumni with the various deans, and while the new location filter is really awesome, it doesn't work so great when we have to build static lists in the database view to then use the NXT filters. Campus doesn't change once it's set, but it's an extra step that the fundraisers don't find as intuitive - they can't just filter any list further by campus affiliation, but start from scratch with a static query and re-add all the filters they were using elsewhere.

      Plus, they can't use the static query to filter their Work Center portfolios!