Add a Comment Field in Phone and Email contact info

We use the comment section in RE to type in an assistant's name but it doesn't translate into NXT.  There is no comment section.  If it's in RE it should be in NXT as well.

  • Guest
  • May 10 2019
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  • Rene Rosengren commented
    November 10, 2021 15:22

    I agree the comments field is a place to put very helpful info, but that is only viewable in the database view. All of our officers are exclusively using RENXT Webview & I'm very happy about that. The more useful the webview is for them the better!

    I am also using "Phone Type Comments" to store useful info about all of our org's urls on a record for our org. But, in the Web View those comments don't appear with the Online presence links.

    Blackbaud: Please merge all of the similiar Ideas out there for this:






    I've found 6 & I bet there are more. This is one of the frustrating aspects of the Ideas area. It makes it harder to get Ideas seen because votes are shared across multiple Ideas.