Ability to see phone/email comments in RENXT

The comments you can enter for a phone number and email address in RE7 aren't visible in RENXT. It would be extremely helpful if they were included. It would be even more helpful if comments could be entered directly in RENXT

E.g., For a phone type of "Assistant's Phone," you can put the assistant's name in the comments section of RE7. When a Development Officer is on the road, they use RENXT. They can't see the Assistant's name to know who they are calling.

  • Guest
  • Jul 30 2020
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  • Rene Rosengren commented
    November 10, 2021 15:10

    I agree the comments add a place to put very helpful into that is only viewable in the database. All of our officers are excusively using RENXT Webview & I'm very happy about that. The more useful the webview is for them the better!

    I am also using "Phone Type Comments" to store useful info about all of our org's urls on a record for our org. But, in the Web View those comments don't appear for the Online Prescence links.