NXT needs to step on the gas

We just migrated to NXT.  It's slow.  Paleolithically slow.  With 2 log-in IDs and 2 passwords, I clocked how long it took me to get into the system: 42 seconds!  This is unacceptable!  What the Blackbaud reps sold us over the phone vs. what was delivered is lightyears in difference!  The slowness is noticeably different than with the old platform, and everyone in our unit is commenting on the slow place and difficulties with 2 sets of log-in information.  Also, some basic functionality was lost (without training) like loading PDF docs to RE as well as having emails to donors load automatically.  And, the look of the screen is worse than before.  The design looks like something out of the late 1990s.  I miss my old RE.  I'm a front line fundraiser and do not have time for three 45-minute tutorials.  I need to enter my action reports and do updates.  Very, very unhappy!  And, Blackbaud's customer service once-you sign the contract is almost non-existent.  I was sent 2 surveys about 5 months apart.  I left my phone number and was just called today by a BB rep.

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  • Mar 26 2018
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