For those of us that use Split Gifts, it would be extremely helpful if Fund or Appeal Split Amount were an output option in NXT Gift Lists. It is available in the database view static query output used for the NXT list, but not in NXT gift basics list.
Yes, this needs to be fixed across Web view entirely. There is no ability to filter by split gift amount in Query which is currently causing issues with using the goal meter on an NXT donation form. This definitely needs updated before moving away from database view.
This is the reason we do not use split gifts. Reporting shows the full amount for each gift.
Agree with these comments. It does not make sense that you can see both Funds but not the Split Amounts?!
I'd rather see split gift reporting be accurate than a new sign-in page. Let's get the current features right before adding new bells & whistles.
I agree - doesn't make sense to upgrade to NXT and pay the higher cost, only to have to go back to the database view for the simplest functions.
Indeed, this is unthinkable - that after years of Blackbaud claiming they're pushing features out to web view, split gifts are not accounted for. It's not a "limitation", it renders web view completely useless for most of our users. Then, for users who ARE encouraged to use web view, it required us to constantly remind them NOT to use all sorts of things in web view, because it doesn't work. Which, to the average user, just makes our software company sound ridiculous. I can't defend Blackbaud on this one.
None of our NXT gift lists are usable unless we can show split gift amount
This is a matter that needs immediate attention. It makes the gift list useless as an analytical tool. Please fix this asap.
This is obscene that this is not available in NXT and needs immediate addressing!
This is crucial for us to be able to use any of the RE.NXT reporting. Without a split gift function, we cannot rely on any of the RE.NXT gift reports and their ease of use. Right now a $500 gift (with $100 assigned to Annual Fund and $400 assigned to a capital fund) reports falsely $500 to both funds and campaigns making the grand total for those funds and campaigns false in all RE.NXT reporting.