NXT needs to do a better job at supporting those who use the fund splits. The analyze reports list of gifts is showing the full gift amount. We split our gifts and a portion of the gift may be coded as the campaign and the non-gift portion is not. The list is the full gift amount. We need the list to show the fund split amount.
Bobbi Eggert...agreed this is a bug fix that should have been taken care of. It's very hard to endorse using NXT for any of our reporting when there are discrepancies like this.
2017 This idea was submitted. It is almost 2021. Four years without RENXT pulling accurate report lists. Sad.
It's absurd that the system allows you to split gifts, but then in unable to report on those splits. As mentioned in the other comments, this is inflating numbers and is just plain inaccurate.
This "idea" is not an enhancement request - it's a bug fix.
It's been open almost 3 years now! Can we please get this added to standard functionality?
Without split gift amounts, it makes it impossible for me to use NXT Reporting for Funds as our numbers are inflated. PLEASE fix this!
This is not just in the analysis, any type of gift list shows the full amount to a fund (as I was looking at but I'm sure it's for any type of split) instead of only showing the amount based upon the filters.
REALLY need this
Web view absolutely needs to support this. As a Higher Ed institution, we have donors giving to multiple types of funds. We need to be able show what exactly came to a fund.
Any gift split amount is needed, Campaign Splits, Fund Splits and Appeal Splits.