Because we are not linked with FE, the gift date represents when a gift is received and the gl post date shows when the gift is counting in the financials. This is how we accurately track how donors view their giving as well as where we are to date to our fiscal year goals. The lack of this flexibility makes it challenging to use any of the analyze reports to get our revenue status. In addition, this situation also comes up often for contributions from corporations and foundations.
HELP- I ABSOLUTELY NEED this functionality!!! We ended a campaign but there are residual gifts that apply to that campaign (pledge payments) and our FISCAL YEAR is 7/1 to 6/30. I need to be able to show the gifts from THIS FISCAL YEAR under the proper campaigns!! The "canned" reporting should allow for this!
Couldn't agree more. Not all orgs use Gift Date for their Fiscal Year. The last few orgs I have worked in use the GL Post Date. Not being able to use that date, even in the Overview, makes the reporting inaccurate and does not align with our Year-to-Date report for our CEO.
Being able to filter on GL Post Date from within NXT would allow Reports from NXT to match up with RE and FE. Not having the same filter options means we can't balance with FE which is frustrating for Fundraisers who aren't as familiar with pulling information from the database view and shouldn't have to spend the extra time to get this on their own.