Gift Date Added for NXT Donation Forms

The gift date added for gifts that arrive on NXT donation forms is not accurate as it matches the date the donor entered their information, not the date the batch was committed and the information was added to RE. I have several Power Automate flows which are based on the date added field so all of the processes I have automated do not work with NXT form donations. This is also an issue for our non-automated weekly gift report where we have to be aware of these "outlier" gifts that have incorrect information hard coded into them.

  • Dan Snyder
  • May 18 2021
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    • Susan Coven commented
      June 20, 2024 15:20

      We're also seeing this on JustGiving gifts. We rely heavily on date added for reporting and it should be when the gift is approved and added to RE.

    • Tioga Anderson commented
      October 25, 2023 22:51

      Please make this change. How hard could it be.

    • Patti Hommes commented
      September 27, 2023 00:26

      This is SO IMPORTANT!!!

    • Amy Barker commented
      September 25, 2023 19:37

      This is a metric I track for our gift entry team and is really important for us. Please make this change.

    • Amy Dana commented
      September 25, 2023 19:32

      One more reason we don't use NXT donation forms. PLEASE make this change!!

    • Sunshine Reinken Watson commented
      September 23, 2023 00:57
      Please make the data accurate, Blackbaud!
    • Maya Rosman commented
      September 22, 2023 15:39

      This is such a small thing with such large repercussions. It should be relatively straightforward to address and will make so many of your savviest users so happy. Please make this change as soon as possible.

    • Sue Christensen commented
      September 22, 2023 15:33

      Please fix this!!!!!!

    • Carlene Johnson commented
      September 22, 2023 15:11

      BB - If Austen Brown, Shelby Lewis, Dan Snyder, Faith Murry, and Carlene Johnson all think you need to fix this, you should probably pay attention. Just sayin'.

    • Austen Brown commented
      August 02, 2023 15:53

      I cannot stress this enough! We really need the Gift Date Added to be the actual date the gift was added from a pending batch into the system as a full record. It should not be the date the transaction was processed.

    • Faith Murray commented
      August 02, 2023 14:43

      I second this idea. It makes sense for the gift date to be the date the donor enters their information, but not the gift added date. That should specifically be the date its batch is committed.

    • Emmet O'Conlon commented
      August 02, 2023 00:59

      This issue is causing performance failure for us as well as problems with daily gift reports. Sad that web view still feels not ready for prime time.

    • Ellen Aronson commented
      October 20, 2022 17:34

      We really need this Gift Date Added field for webview batches to be the date the webview batch was APPROVED so that it will align with Gift Date Added in database view batches which is the date the batch was committed. This difference impacts our ability to send out our daily gift reports because all of our webview gifts have prior dates.

    • Shelby Lewis commented
      August 11, 2021 17:39

      Cameron - this isn't about the Gift Date, it's about Date Added which is a different field. The date the donor made the gift isn't in question, but the date the gift is being processed/committed to RE is inaccurate.

    • Cameron Alzubi commented
      July 07, 2021 19:39

      The Gift Date should be the date the organization received and/or processed the gift. Committing the batch is not quite the same as when a credit card is charged. That's the legal gift date. I think BB is in the right on this one.

    • Shelby Lewis commented
      May 19, 2021 18:35

      This has become a big issue for me too. It's impossible to have regular gift reporting based on date added because many of the online gifts will have a date added prior to the date they were processed/approved. We'd like to report out on gifts added at the end of each day, but because of this, the report is not comprehensive and some gifts never make it into a report.

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