It would be incredibly helpful to have the ability to create multiple giving statement templates and select the appropriate one when generating statements. Our organization manages capital campaigns for multiple affiliates, and we require the ability to customize giving statements to reflect the unique information of each affiliate.
Custom Templates:
Allow multiple templates to be created. (I thought this was already available, but it seems that only one pdf temple is allowed.)
Include fields for the affiliate's logo, name, address, IRS-required language for tax-deductible donations, and EIN.
Dynamic Branding:
Automatically populate affiliate-specific information on the statements based on the campaign tied to the donation.
Preview Mode:
Enable previewing giving statements before they are finalized to ensure accuracy and alignment with affiliate branding.
Thank you for considering this idea!
It would also be beneficial to have the option to select which campaigns are included in the statements. Currently, the statements display all campaigns, ignoring the criteria set in the list filters. If a campaign or appeal is excluded in the list generating the statement, it should likewise be excluded from the statement itself.