We like to have the tribute option on our donation forms, but most of our donors do not make tribute gifts.
However, I recently noticed that the tribute box is pre-selected, which also pre-selects the honoree contact information, extending the size of the donation form, but also requiring most of our donors to de-select checkboxes.
It's a little strange that NXT assumes most donors are tribute donors. (The anonymous box is available, for example, but it is not pre-checked, because we don't assume everybody is an anonymous donor.)
We probably will remove the tribute option, so that we don't irritate most of our donors, which will make linking tributes more difficult for our tribute donors and gift processor.
NXT should allow users to choose the default, or the default should be un-checked.
Hi, Samantha - This was not the trouble! The trouble is that in preview, the tribute box appears selected. While looking at the form, it appears that the donor will have to de-select the box.
The original support agent informed me that this was truly how the donor would see it, and therefore I had to create this idea! It was not until one of my colleagues noticed that the link I shared did not have this option selected. I had to reach out to my customer success person to determine what was going on.
I point this out because the recent changes in Blackbaud support are something that need to be ironed out.
I'm glad to see Support was able to help you in this! For others who may be seeing this, when you add the Tribute widget into your form, the default is set to optional. You can edit this by selecting the widget and clicking to edit as so:

This can actually be removed - the first support agent who told me this was a feature and I should suggest the change was not correct - and the second support agent let me know that the box is not selected for users. (I was viewing it in preview the whole time!)