Functionality of NXT donation forms including Tribute and Colors

The first is an obvious malfunction that should have been fixed before release. You can only customize the color of the gift amount box if you provide suggested donation boxes to choose from on the NXT donation forms. Otherwise it reverts back to the blue that will mismatch any customization put into the rest of the form. This is a patch that really needs to be made right away for this to be a viable feature of this platform.


Secondly, donation forms made through NXT can't accept tributes on gifts which are important for schools, especially for special giving days. This is an other important basic that the form is missing.

  • Morgan Chalue
  • Feb 12 2020
  • Attach files
  • Harold Mack commented
    July 14, 2021 19:17

    I agree, please add tribute functionality to NXT donation forms. Thanks! :)

  • Nathan Munn commented
    October 01, 2020 20:59

    Tribute functionality is essential!