We require to store media/attachments containing sensitive personal details for Volunteers, but presently can only save that at the Constituent record level, which opens these up to other non-Volunteer Admin users. The current security features do not allow you to distinguish between media/attachments for the same Constituent. If you have access to Constituent media/attachments, you can see all of them. Although you can restrict access to constituents by constituency code, this doesn't help in this situation. We want our Constituent / Gift Admin users to be able to see Constituents who are also volunteers, but not to see the specific volunteer-related media/attachments and vice-versa: Volunteer Admin users only to be able to see volunteer-related media/attachments. Having the ability to store media/attachments at the volunteer level would help resolve this. Otherwise, we either have to have separate constituent records for an indiviudal who is both a volunteer and a donor/participant, or we have to store volunteer media/attachments externally, add links somehow to Raiser's Edge and use external security, eg by folder, to control access, neither of which is satisfactory.