Webview duplicate search when adding a new constituent - Not Working due to Database View Issue

Unfortunately, Webview has lost previously shipped functionality due to the lack of support for Database View. It's odd but details are below for why this is occurring.

  • If you receive an error "Undefined RE Error" when saving (or importing) a new constituent record in Database View their is a work-around to fix this in the knowledge base and is what customer support will refer you to.

  • This work-around involves deactivating duplicate search under business rules.

  • Confirmed with support and testing that the business rules in Database view carry over into Webview. So, because of a Database issue, functionality for duplicate checks in Webview is degraded and no longer works.

  • Confirmed with support that this issue has been around since 2021. Also, support confirmed it's somewhat random for which organizations it affects so you may not be having this issue and/or may be impacted in the future. Reviewing postings to other online forums & community groups this issue has impacted other organizations.

Feature Request - Can we please get one of two things done?

  • Fix the Database view issue that's degrading Webview functionality for duplicate checks.


  • Setup a way to turn the duplicate check business rule on, specifically for Webview. If it can't be separated out, could we please move the business rules configurations into Webview?

  • Mark Gross
  • Nov 3 2023
  • Attach files