NXT Events Module: Require first registrant name (anonymous not allowed)

Please allow an option for all RSVPs except #1 to be anonymous.

I like being able to allow hosts to register unnamed guests so they don't have to wait to pin down each person before registering. But the option is only between all or nothing, so many hosts have selected the anonymous option for *every* name and only added their name on step 3 to complete the registration.

This has the unfortunate consequence of marking the matched constituent as "DECLINED" (see screenshots) which leads to a problem with sending event updates to people who RSVP "yes". It has taken me a year to figure out the "who" behind the "declined" RSVP status for hosts we knew were coming was actually the registration form itself.

Disallowing anonymous options leads to its own problems. We've had hosts put their own name in for all of their guests so we don't know, for instance, whether [Jane Smith] accidentally registered 6 times for herself, is actually registering to bring herself and 5 unnamed guests, or is bringing several friends from her "Jane Smith club of people named Jane Smith".

I think allowing some but not all registrations to be anonymous might be a happy medium.

  • Kevyn Barnes
  • Nov 1 2023
  • Attach files
  • Kevyn Barnes commented
    November 17, 2023 01:42

    Just an added note: I think if an organization is registered as a host, the RSVP for the organization = N/A (or no response?). This might be preferable to "declined" for individual constituents who are hosts but not named in the "attending" list.

    Customizing the text in Step 3 could resolve some unintended declines. To help prevent RENXT users from finding this out the hard way, user guides may need to let data admins know this unexpected consequence of the anonymous registration option.