Planned Gift Edit Constituent

The only gift type that cannot be moved to a different constituent record is a Planned Gift. This means if we create an Estate record after the donor passes, then the gift has to be deleted and entered again. This is extra work and would be much easier if we could just move the gift by editing the constituent.

  • Krista Lippert
  • Oct 3 2023
  • Attach files
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    • Rivki Raphaelson commented
      August 21, 2024 20:01

      This has been a major pain point for us. We want to be able to move the planned gifts from the individual record to the estate record after the donor passes. Especially because RE does not allow us to link the proceeds of a planned gift to a planned gift record on another record. If that were possible we might be able to soft credit the planned gift to the estate... But as it is we are stuck deleting the gift and readding it. Asside from being tedious, it also means we lose the "date added" infomation. This really needs to be fixed ASAP.