Allow the gift edit feature to move gifts on an organization record to an individual record and vice versa.

We received a donation through YourCause from a donor named Brian Sullivan who was doing a payroll deduction through his employer U.S. Bank. We have multiple Brian Sullivan's in our database. Until we were able to identify the correct Brian Sullivan, we recorded the gift in the U.S. Bank record.  Now that we know the correct Brian Sullivan, we wanted to use the edit feature in the gift record to move the gifts from U.S. Bank to Brian Sullivan.  However, when you are in an organization record, the gift edit feature will not allow you to find an individual. It will let you find an organization, but not an individual. When  you try to search for an individual, you get an message saying "no constituent found" even though the individual is in the database.

  • Diane Frick
  • Feb 27 2020
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