Allow Multi-Person Registration to be Disabled or Removed from the Registration Form

Underneath the fees on the event registration form it says "1 registration." Please allow this to be edited or deleted. It is confusing registrants and causing them to fill out our form multiple times. They don't understand why it says 1 registration but then allows them to choose the quantity. I spoke with support last month who checked with the application team and the engineering team but they let me know it is currently not possible to remove or disable the multi-person registration.

Side note: I thought there was already this idea that I voted for but I can no longer find it.

  • Kelsey Stern
  • Aug 16 2023
  • Attach files
  • Ellen Callahan commented
    September 01, 2023 17:14

    Hi Kelsey, thank you for posting this. I was just about to do the same. I too sat on with chat and learned that it is a default field and the only work around is to change the background color of the form, but I would hate if our forms all had to appear with a gray background to hide the confusing text! I

    I am attaching a photo of the issue so others might better understand our problem and vote on this issue!

    Thank you!