Preferred Name for Solicitor/Fundraiser

I can't imagine we're the only organization that has this as a DEI issue, but it'd be a real game-changer if the preferred name of the fundraiser/solictor was displayed in the fundraiser options (at least on the web view).

Using myself as an example: my Raiser's Edge record currently has my full legal name for gift entry purposes - all my checks and debit/credit cards have my full legal name. However, I do not professionally or personally associate with that name, and go by Cole. Currently this is not displayed in the fundraiser options, and my colleagues have to search my full legal name to assign me to tasks. This is confusing at best, and dysphoric at worse.

There's a lot of people in similar positions that operate under a different name than their legal moniker, and I think that the web view at the very least should be updated to reflect that.

  • Cole Welsh
  • Aug 4 2023
  • Attach files