Tweak to how RENXT displays legal name/preferred name on record based on Individual display name setting

I appreciate that if the RENXT Individual display name setting is set to primarily display the donor's legal name, the preferred name is still visible underneath. But (1) the font is so small that fundraisers often miss it when viewing the record and (2) that isn't the ideal default for RENXT Lists if, as Blackbaud has stated, Lists are primarily for fundraisers to create their own lists.

But on the flip side, if the RENXT Individual display name setting is changed to use preferred name as the primary display name, unfortunately the full legal name is not visible at all until going in to edit the name (if one knows to check that way).

Can there be a tweak so that if the Individual display name settings are set to use preferred name as the default display, the record itself will still display the legal name somewhere in the banner area?

The 2 attached screenshots show me using a (fake) preferred name of "Kay" and the only difference between the screenshots is that I changed the overall RENXT setting for "Individual display name." In this case, if I have the Individual display name set to Preferred name (showing "Kay" twice but nowhere showing "Kevyn"), I'm betting a person who doesn't know me would never consider clicking "Edit Name" to see if Kevyn = Kay. They shouldn't have to go to Aliases or Notes to see that immediately.

  • Kevyn Barnes
  • Jun 28 2023
  • Attach files