While the integration between JustGiving and RENXT is good, it would be helpful if we could see which fundraiser page the gift came through. Many of our board members and volunteer fundraisers are beginning to use JustGiving to help us fundraise and we would like to give them credit as the fundraiser/solicitor in RE. Would be much easier to do if that information showed in the reference field or somewhere else in the gift record.
I haven't been able to test this end to end, but my team is telling me that the gift you added in the backend of NXT should be showing up on the JG fundraiser's page and you can therefore delete any offline donation that was added in the backend of JustGiving. If you have an offline gift that was added via JG that you do not delete, you will have a double-counted gift.
I have a question – once I link the gift, should I remove that amount from the offline donations that I add in the backend of JustGiving? Meaning – if it is now showing on the JustGiving fundraiser’s page, is it also rolling up into the campaign total? I don’t want to be double counting gifts.
That’s great! Thank you so much for getting back to me.
@amanda monsour I just checked with the product manager for this area, and it seems you can enter offline donations by going to the gift record in NXT, go to the Recognition credits tile and select to "Add peer-to-peer credit." This will bring up a search where you can type in the name of the constituent/JG fundraiser and select from a list of their fundraising pages. Once you do this, this should push the gift up to the JG fundraising page so it shows up as a gift and is included as part of the person's fundraising totals.

We're looking at ways to streamline this a bit, but give that a try and see if it lets you accomplish what you're looking to do with offline gifts.
Also, I would like to be able to add an offline donation entered in NXT to a fundraiser's Peer To Peer results. I tried to add the custom fields to link the gift to a fundraiser, but the gift is not showing in her results. The integration needs to flow both ways!
It needs to be visible when processing a batch in NXT through Gift Management. None of the JustGiving information shows in batch except for a transaction number. In some cases, we need to credit a fundraiser for the gift. We can't see the JustGiving page information until the gift is processed and you can't edit the fundraiser on a gift in NXT. This means jumping back into database view and correcting each gift as needed or creating another workaround through query. It would be great if we could see the JustGiving page information when reviewing gifts in batch.
Hi Carrie!
On a gift record of a gift created through the JG integration into NXT, you should see two custom fields added to a custom field tile, one of which should have the name and link to the fundraiser's constituent record and one that includes the JG fundraising page URL that the gift came through.
You should also be seeing the fundraiser of that gift's name on the Recognition tile on the gift record, also with a hyperlink to the JG fundraising page.
Is that what you are looking for or are you looking for that information to show somewhere else?
Samantha McGuin
Principal Product Manager