Display Fund ID and Fund Description simultaneously

Anywhere there is a display of Fund Description, there should also be an option to display and filter by Fund ID...including in the database view of Raiser's Edge.

  • When viewing Gifts, the Fund Description "Jim Ballou Scholarship" does not tell me much about the type of fund, other than it is a scholarship. 
  • Displaying Fund ID "AS227" and "Jim Ballou Scholarship" tells me at a glance that the fund is an endowed scholarship that belongs to the College of Arts and Sciences.....in addition to the name of the scholarship. This helps both back office users and fund-raisers understand the areas of campus a donor supports.
  • Guest
  • Feb 7 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Lori Kroening commented
    26 Feb 19:42

    This would be incredibly helpful!

  • Katelyn Ryan-Robichaud commented
    21 Feb 16:38

    We migrated to NXT last summer, and we are really hoping this functionality will be added soon. For reporting financials this causes a major issue, to the point that we are still running all our fund queries and reports in database view as we can't get what we need with the canned reports only showing fund description. Please allow a choice of which to display (or both! Some fundraisers like to see both description and ID)....

  • Karen Bethell commented
    26 Jan 22:32

    we are not even migrated yet (May) and just discovered this!

    Fund ID is the efficient way to search and display . We have many many funds that stats the same with same 4 words then they slowly start differing. What a nightmare.

  • Maya Rosman commented
    17 Jan 23:04

    Yes! This is critical for those of us in the back office. I understand that the Fund Description might be more friendly for the Gift Officers/Frontline Fund Raisers, but as mentioned here, many many of us have our Fund IDs set up so that they are informational for gift processors, data managers and other back office staff. For us, our Endowed funds always end with #, while the spending funds they're associated with do not. So an endowment/spending combo for us might be something like COLLEGE# and COLLEGE. The descriptions may not be as helpful and both might use the word Endowment because they ARE endowments (So College Student Scholarship Endowment and College Student Endowed Scholarship), making it harder to tell which one is which in webview.

    We use a lot of split gifts and split pledges where a donor is building a scholarship endowment while simultaneously funding the scholarship yearly while the scholarship is buidling. So we might have a $30K gift with $25K for the COLLEGE# and $5K for COLLEGE. Seeing this in the pledge burndown area of the webview pledge without the Fund ID means that when I'm checking pledge balances so I don't award more money than we've actually received, I have to stop and figure out which description is the spending and which is the endowment. And as I said, it's not always clear, and it makes it incredibly hard to do this kind of back-office work.

    So many of us have shortcuts based on the way our Fund IDs are built that it is fairly crippling to try to work without them. Please either just show both which would give everyone what they might prefer to see, or allow users to choose which displays - fund ID or Fund Description whichever is the best for them. I think showing both to all is probably easier to achive and would be adequate.

  • Mark Lennon commented
    June 19, 2020 12:06

    Similar to Brenda, we use codes for ID with text for Descriptions. Users will prefer one or the other, bit being able to display both would be the best solution all round.

  • Guest commented
    January 07, 2019 18:35

    I agree with this issue and it also raises once again the limitation of NXT not being able to search for funds.  The constituent search bar should allow for a fund search, like the DB view does.  I hope that is being addressed as well.

  • Kat Martineau commented
    June 21, 2018 19:07

    Yes - our Fund ID and descriptions are setup in a way that makes sense for us, and it would be helpful to have NXT show the ID in gift reports.  

  • Guest commented
    May 29, 2018 11:34

    In fact, I would expect the functionality that exists in RE7 to be carried over to NXT, whereby one can pick and order what columns appear in Gifts, for example.

  • Robert Brown commented
    May 22, 2018 12:26

    My boss is bugging me for this almost every day.  She prefers to just glance at the fund ID rather than read the description.  Please give this as an option!

  • Jen Claudy commented
    February 11, 2017 01:55

    Same with Campaign and Appeal, please!

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