Fund filters need to be more robust: link the name to the system ID

Currently any selectors for fund criteria in Lists (presumably Analyze/Reports, too) are based strictly on the Fund Name. If I change any part of the fund name, my List stops including it in the criteria. This should never happen, since there is NO WAY to see a full list of all 200+ funds I have included in the List criteria out of the 1,000+ we have in our system.


The Fund filter really needs to be more robust and offer a search by Fund ID OR Fund Name and tie those to the system record ID, not a strict text field match, especially since we primarily work with Fund IDs to be able to link them to Financial Edge, and Fund Names are merely window dressing and are occasionally tweaked for typos or clarity or adjusted donor agreements/renaming programs.

  • Keri Barnhart
  • Nov 14 2018
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