Manage tribute names without creating a record for them

It would be ideal to keep track of tribute gift info as part of a donor's gift without the tribute name necessarily becoming a constituent. It would be nice if we had the option to click and add a tribute acknowledgement as a constituent, but the automatic creation of constituent records is not useful, particularly because the system's intellect and review/search before adding a duplicate record does not possess the critical thinking of a human. For example, a donor may note a Tribute as William, and another person may note them as Bill. One donor may use ,Sr. and another may exclude that. Each variation of a name gets created as a record. It's a real flaw seemingly with the intent of creating new records so you can be charged for exceeding your cap.

  • Guest
  • May 24 2023
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Nicki Downer commented
    06 Mar 14:56

    Even when it isn't automatic, creating a new record for a tribute that only has one gift is not ideal. If tributes could work more like non-constituent relationships that would make much more sense. We occasionally have people giving in tribute to someone who has no history or connection with us. It would be great to be able to track these types of tributes without having to create a new record related to one gift that is likely not renewable.

  • Ann Gilly commented
    28 Feb 20:13

    YES! This would solve a lot of problems for my organization.

  • Andrea Blair commented
    28 Feb 18:26

    Yes please! This is super important for nonprofits that have suporters who give in tribute of their pets.

  • Laura Zartman commented
    18 Jan 19:27

    YES, please! I work at an animal shelter - I can't tell you how many dogs and cats names have been added to my database. CONSTANT cleaning!

  • Kelsey Stern commented
    November 29, 2023 16:06

    I agree that automatically creating a new constituent record is not helpful and we are running into so many problems with this. I've even had duplicate constituent records created although the person has a unique name and already existed in our database. This flaw is adding more work and makes us not want to use the tribute feature. So far it was easier to handle tributes and memorials before this feature became available. I was told by customer support that this is working as designed but engineers are aware of the complaints. Hopefully something can be done to prevent all these unnecessary extra constituent records.

  • Guest commented
    June 07, 2023 16:08

    so much agreement for this. A significant amount of time is spent searching for duplicates of tributes with different name spellings / nicknames/etc. and so many tributes for "my uncle" or "Sadie's dad" that don't need an individual tribute record

  • Sami Zoss commented
    May 26, 2023 02:38

    This is amazing and honestly we learned this the hard way. This would be a great addition to the tribute module.

  • Karin Kennedy commented
    May 25, 2023 13:23

    This! Everything about this. I have a constituent created today named: My beloved sisters of SHA '86 small but mighty ! It's ridiculous. And we are trying to work within the limits of our paid storage too so additional constituents who will never have another gift attached to them is unnecessary. But I don't want to miss these when we do our Annual Report either. AND I can't see the tribute information in batch in NXT so I have to go back and look at the record and then if it needs to be edited, I have to go to the database.