View tribute gifts on a constituent record

The NXT window for tributee constituents does not show (a) that they are a Tribute, or (b) the total amount of tribute giving. 

Although most tributee constituents are deceased and no longer "managed" as prospects via NXT, tribute information could still be a helpful tool in the hands of Gift Officers who might be meeting with next-of-kin.

  • Guest
  • Oct 2 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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  • Arianna Sikorski commented
    March 25, 2022 01:15

    It would be great to have a column option for NXT Gift Lists so we can view who the tribute was in honor of

  • Jane Van Ingen commented
    February 15, 2022 19:27

    With the upcoming changes to Microsoft Office integration with RE and donation forms on NXT taking center stage, it's imperative to be able to view tribute information for constituents. This is necessary for acknowledgment letters, and for people making tribute gifts online.

  • Jennifer Chesnut Arger commented
    December 29, 2020 16:14

    Please create a tribute tile so gift officers can see who has given to an honor/memorial. They are facile with NXT, but we are having to report for them from database view.

  • Rene Rosengren commented
    November 04, 2020 20:32

    Gift officer often want to know about gifts given for a particular memorial, but they can't see that in the Web View. They are all happily using the Web View now & not the Data base view. Please bring Tribute totals over into Hon/Mem Records in the Web View.

  • Linda Burns commented
    September 09, 2020 12:52

    Creating a tribute in NXT would also be helpful

  • Natasha Carter commented
    November 15, 2019 18:46

    I don't understand why this isn't already possible. The Tribute module is included with every NXT subscription. It would be so helpful to have tribute info on the constituent's record.

  • Dana Troy commented
    January 25, 2019 16:58

    This is potentially a duplicate idea, fitting under "Tribute module added to NXT" (idea 662) but has good additional information and is an important topic!

  • Peter McCormick commented
    November 07, 2018 19:47

    Widow called fundraiser could not find any tribute gifts in her husbands name.  Big need!

  • Guest commented
    June 25, 2018 16:40

    Great idea. I had a fundraiser call me (the DBA) last week wondering how much was in a gentleman's memorial. She was with his widow at the time, and she had asked the question.

  • Dana Troy commented
    October 11, 2017 17:07

    Yes! I run into this regularly with our fundraisers too, recently with our director who received a call from a donor with a tribute question, but when our director looked up the record and didn't see any of the tribute info she assumed we weren't tracking it properly. 

  • Guest commented
    July 27, 2017 19:10

    Being able to view/interact with a tribute constituent (i.e. a constituent that has a tribute in his/her honor/memory) is critical for us.  Not sure why this functionality hasn't been enabled given that Tributes are a critical piece of information to consider when determining actions and donor strategy.

  • Peggy Dixon commented
    September 22, 2016 16:59

    Fantastic idea! Thank you for posting it!

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