Include Table Custom Fields on NXT Donation Forms

It appears that Custom Fields with a data type of "Table" are not available to be added to NXT Donation Forms. My organization uses these types of custom fields with our LO donation forms to capture critical information for how the donor has found our organization and their connection to our cause. This is yet another unavailable feature that will prohibit my organization from fully adopting the NXT donation forms until it is implemented.

  • Kevin Schaeffer
  • Jan 30 2023
  • Shipped
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  • Admin
    Samantha McGuin commented
    April 05, 2023 21:19

    We've now released "table" constituent custom field support to the donation form. When you pull in the "Constituent Custom Field" widget onto your form, the search will not return table custom fields for you to display on your form. Take a peek and let us know what you think!